Driver can't drive to save his life had 4 kids and a baby in his car on Welsh house farm road b32 birmingham. No insurance but plenty of tax payers money!
28/9/2017 was turning I to Carlton Drive in Putney south west London. Pedestrians were already in the road opposite the waitrose, proceeded to swerve into oncoming offside traffic in a hurry without looking, got stuck and then started honking her horn at the pedestrians which included children, who were already in the road and had right of way to cross. Proceeded to speed off turn right and u turn with no indicator to pick up her passenger. Obviously an emergency and should have had a flashing light on her car like the emergency services so everyone knows that picking up someone is more important than the life of a woman and her two children.
not sure who's to blame, but the audi driver fucking about with her phone,i'm sure, didn't help,nor the fact both audi driver and passenger looked stoned out of their noddles, and funnily enough didn't want this footage?!?
Instead of buying a blacked out windows at the back with all the computers and all that shit, how about put a old blanket with some lines on and stick it there like that?
Driver can't drive to save his life had 4 kids and a baby in his car on Welsh house farm road b32 birmingham. No insurance but plenty of tax payers money!