VU05 AJV 2016-10-21 19:58:47

That's Hannah Richards.
She's the local bike, - keep away from her.
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VU05 AJV 2016-10-21 19:54:44

Her reg. is an anagram of 'Vaj'.
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VU05 AJV 2016-10-21 19:40:34

Silly chav
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VU05 AJV 2016-10-21 17:19:39

"IF she has a crash" !? LOL. that car has more dents than a golf ball.
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VU64 VZH 2016-10-11 09:19:06

Squeeze past, accidentally scraping the side of the car with your push chair, jacket zipper or whatever. He should get the message.
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VU04 NTC 2016-09-08 23:44:08

Drives like a chav with his windows down and hairy belly out listening to justin bieber at full volume.

Nearly hit an old pensioner whilst singing the high notes to Justin biebers song "Baby"
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VU05 AJV 2016-09-15 06:48:20

Almost hit an elderly man crossing the street
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VU05 AJV 2016-09-15 03:14:36

This guy just loves to try and crash into people
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VU63 YZD 2016-08-19 11:06:11

Do you actually think that this officer was parked there in such an obvious place for no real reason.

The car was off the main highway as much as possible and not blocking the pavement, so no real issue to anyone apart from the usual cop haters who comment without knowing the full story.

Yes if there was no reason and it was just gratuitious thats fair enough; but I would suspect that the officer was responding/dealing with a situation. In such circumstanes it is legal to park an emergency vehicke in such a way. The only road signs that emergency vehicles dint have an exemption for are double white line systems and keep left bollards. All actions in contravention if signs however must be safe and justified if questioned.

Contact the police and question the parking if you feel the need to but dont go around with part of a story trying to discredit those that are in the main working hard to keep you safe. Such reports only suggest you have been the wrong side of the law and bear a bitter grudge otherwise.
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VU54 UJH 2016-08-21 04:58:43

They might have made a mistake. Best to just stay behind until traffic is slower and closer, then filter. Your life is more important than getting ahead.
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