To go out riding a kids toy with a camera strapped to your head and another shoved up your ass shows you're looking for any excuse to video other road users to try to make yourself famous. Unless you also had a speed radar gun wedged between your asscheeks too, you have no way of knowing how fast the car was travelling. He gave you plenty of room as he passed, yet you reacted like a big girl, shouting and screaming.
Find a cycle path that you can share with pedestrians, you snowflake
WF61 HTYRacist fuckers are broke 2017-11-15 22:23:59
your all just upset his young driving a merc and you guys are driving skodas n shit lol the cyclist is a pussy if that scared him too how much more space do you want
Driving down in my toyota aygo i see some fat chubby boy with big black rimmed glasses on drives behind me and tails me but when i approached him he smiled at me with his yellow teeth and put his middle finger up. Doesnt look any older than 17 (or maybe younger!) definitely needs taking off the road stupid fat twat!
To go out riding a kids toy with a camera strapped to your head and another shoved up your ass shows you're looking for any excuse to video other road users to try to make yourself famous. Unless you also had a speed radar gun wedged between your asscheeks too, you have no way of knowing how fast the car was travelling. He gave you plenty of room as he passed, yet you reacted like a big girl, shouting and screaming.
Find a cycle path that you can share with pedestrians, you snowflake