WK62 VKD 2016-11-08 09:07:55

Drives like a muppet. Honda cbf white and black. Decides he is rossi and looks like a clown on a unicycle.
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WK03 UDW 2016-10-03 16:33:46

Driver of green polo WK03 UDW is a complete, rude utter piece of garbage. Revoke the licence !
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WK59 UXM 2016-09-21 18:26:13

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WK55 FKA 2016-09-12 17:17:31

Drives two fast, trys to drift out of junctions

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WK62 YKO 2016-09-09 18:57:03

Nice driver. Thank you :*
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WK10 SHJ 2016-08-24 23:47:28

Whilst driving through a green light and turning left this driver ran a red light at high speed and nearly took the front end of my car off. No brakes applied, he continued. He was slowed by traffic further ahead. I asked my passenger to snap a pic of him. She did, but he repeated this dangerous manoeuvre again and spend off. He was held up at the major lights near the a49, young male driving. He's such a danger to others.
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WK10 UVV 2016-08-27 19:41:55

Awesome car
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WK06 VSA 2016-08-21 15:41:51

Good driver. Drives sensibly and good road manners
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WK57 VWO 2016-08-10 18:57:39

Continously parking in a space which doesn't belong to him and taking up two spaces in the process resulted in a side scrape.
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WK53 TTF 2016-08-15 19:56:42

Overtaking dangerously on roundabout by Birmingham airport then tailgating the car in front for over a mile on narrow roads towards Marston Green.
Bloke needs to relax a bit. Where's the fire??
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Worst drivers in November

  1. LC06 OPH
  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
  6. RF12 HKU
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
  9. B16 TAJ
  10. WG02 NFE

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