aha, actually nothing i did in this video broke the law. If you look at my other videos, you will see other vehicles i use. Crossing solid white lines and hatched markings is permissible to make due progress whilst filtering, ie, im allowed to do it :D
he runs red lights and almost crashed sometimes and likes to saying "fuck you bitch i do what ever the fuck i want bitch " to do to the people driving behind him and drives on the sidewalk a lot and text and drives at the same time he does all of this stuff and should get off the road and never drive again because one day he is going to kill someone by his driving skills i don't know how he got his license he probably bribed the person who was testing him all i want to say is stop this man from driving
I'll give this fella the benefit of the doubt because the wheels aren't moving so he isn't using a phone while driving. Also it doesn't look like a public road, more like private property. But his number plates are illegal font though.
Can't see shit on the pictures whoever posted this is a retard