This driver doesn't know what an indicator is or how to use it. He believes that you use the indicator as you enter a roundabout, nearly cvausing a head on collision.
Worse Driver I have ever seen in my life! Was too busy dancing to music with his friends behind the wheel to notice the lights changing to red and drove straight through cutting three drivers up!!!
He used the wrong lane at roundabout, then harassed us signalling for us to pull over. Tailgated us for a few miles before finally getting bored. Not pleasant behaviour, especially with our young baby in the car!
This driver is the worst/ rudest driver around. Was over taking on corners cutting people up, getting very close to the back of mine and others cars. I'm surprised that the driver didn't cause an accident. It's a red 4x4 Mitsubishi raging bull. So please people be aware of this driver, there so dangerous!!
This driver doesn't know what an indicator is or how to use it. He believes that you use the indicator as you enter a roundabout, nearly cvausing a head on collision.