Was speeding around a tight corner on the wrong side of the road, had to slam breaks on as would have crashed into me concidering i have a newborn in the back, parked cars on his side so he should have given way, he refused, so i reversed back so he had enough space to go, he didnt, so he decided to push his way through colliding with the right side of my car.
Absolutely terrible driving, at least 50-55 in a 40 zone, constantly jumping lanes - undertaking regularly and overtaking dangerously, no indicators used and swerving into lanes with very little space between them and cars behind. Shouldn't even have a license😅
God you drive like Miss Daisy. What a fucking slow old fart you really are.
Please stop inflicting your slow driving on others and get a fucking move on you cunt.
Try keeping up with the flow of traffic instead of leaving several car lengths between you and the car in front.
And in a 30 mph limit you can actually go up to 30 like everyone else and not crawl along at 20 or less.
Surrender your licence if you can't drive properly.
Luckily for you I have brakes and my children still have a Father.