I was cruising, in a 30, doing about 90- & then this brokie comes speeding & absolutely destroys some brokies car. I should have given him one of my 33 cars, but nobody who drives like a woman & lacks the intelligence the of Top G renders then unable to rival my unmatched perspicacity coupled with my sheer indefatigability which makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor, would be deserving of one of my cars- even my Lada. This brokie would probably be driving a Tesla if his pp was big enough but unfortunately he's not on the same level as I, the Top G. Personally Id suggest to this guy, & to everyone for that matter to sign up to the real world to learn how to generate money using one of our 13 modern wealth creation methods, to escape the matrix & be able to buy a real mans car.
& before any of you brokies come at me- what colour is your Bugatti?
I’ve had these idiots and possibly this one driving extra close to me as I approach lights in an attempt to force me through a red light if the lights change as it comes over as a threat to cause a crash if I brake.
Now in the approach to traffic lights I slow down the nearer the one behind is to me. If they don’t like me slowing down they shouldn’t drive so close to my rear.