WR69 YVP 2020-09-16 19:16:02

Hasn't read the Highway code, probably uses it as a mug coaster or to mop up the ketchup stains from that hotdog and Monster Energy they scarfed down.

Drives erratically and dangerously, no knowledge of road etiquette, suffers severe road rage and some inadequacy complex for which they feel the need to challenge other road users to a physical altercation, to prove how much of a "man" they are.

Don't worry, they're not 16.
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WR69 YVP 2020-07-26 22:58:57

Found on DCB's video - bike is now untaxed but insured. Who knows what happened to it! Obviously a 69 plate so really quite new.
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WR69 YVP 2020-07-04 09:31:18

What a twonk. Doesn't understand that bus lanes aren't always bus lanes, and has a go at someone despite the signs saying it is ok to drive there. The proceeds to drive in an eratic manor, shouting and getting hot under the collar. He then swerves into the car's lane and makes it look like the car's fault. What an idiot. He said he isn't 16 and this is obvious, because a 16 year old might have a better chance of being able to read a sign.
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WR69 YVP 2020-07-09 20:00:42

this guy is a nut case bus lane 7-10 am
after that use it as a lane
biker is WRONG
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WR62 XDF 2020-07-06 20:54:36

Why ma being deliberately thick?
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WR60 HYK 2020-06-29 00:46:43

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WR60 HYK 2020-06-29 00:44:15

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WR69 YVP 2020-06-27 19:53:49

Time for new glasses what a blind idiot.
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WR69 YVP 2020-06-26 02:30:37

Can’t read needs a better prescription on his glasses
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WR69 YVP 2020-06-25 19:03:34

The chap riding should be put in a home for disturbed children
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