Driven by teenage girl.
Nearly rammed into back my motorcycle on a single laned round-a-bout. She had to swerve left and brake to avoid. Had i not done a left lifesaver she would have hit me.
Proceeded to then give me the bird and mouth off.
This guy is a total nob, I was parked up at Walthamstow, loads of other spots, and this guy hits my car, whilst parked, he's a London private hire driver, have reported him to TFL, did not even bother to correct, after he'd hit my car, just left it parked against my front bumper.
He drives fast and dangerously and doesnt respect the rules the best coecidence is that i met him in kosovo too,he accelerates above the speed limit throws trash from the window and doesnt respect other rules as well.
Witnessed this young fellow have an exchange with a white van driver. Only for his passenger to get out with a baseball bat and smash the vans passenger window. carring a bat in the car shows they most likely do this often...
Thiefs in chingford Essex using this vehicle. 3 males stealing work tools