Black Audi Parked in disabled bays, Tesco Abingdon 22nd April 2018. No blue badge on display, and both vehicle occupants had no visual mobility issues apart from being retards by taking a parking space away from someone else with genuine disabilities.
idiot driver, decided to overtake all the single lane traffic in a traffic jam on the outside, to then cut everyone up to take the left hand lane. get good at driving or get off the road
Absolute bully, think they own the road in some poverty spec range rover. Pushing people out the way for no reason at all. Lucky I had my girlfriend in the car or i would have rear ended you when you break checked me.. I have a camera in the car u tw@t
Oh my god, never in my life have i seen such uncowardinated driving! Racing across the lanes hitting over several hundred traffic cones. It swerved to kill a cow on purpose and it smashed the winscreen. The car the went into a frantic spin and stopped.
Black Audi Parked in disabled bays, Tesco Abingdon 22nd April 2018. No blue badge on display, and both vehicle occupants had no visual mobility issues apart from being retards by taking a parking space away from someone else with genuine disabilities.