WX55 LMEI am a Disabled Person and the owner if this car keeps parking outside my home.2017-04-13 20:23:22
I visit my mum often and this car is always parked in the spot right outside where my mum lives, my mum drives and has to drive me around alot because I am disabled and use a wheelchair and two walking sticks. I can barely walk from my mums car to her front door due to health issues, and because of the owner of the car with a licence plate of WX55 LME, I am forced to walk from farther down the street to my mums home which causes me major pain and upsets my health even more. I'm chronically ill and have life long health problems and will be using a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Despite having a blue badge in our car window this person still insists on parking half way down the street from their home in front of my mums house. I don't know what to do so I thought writing on here would be best. Thank you owner of WX55 LME for causing us so many problems if u continue to do so I will report you. so move your car.
This big boy came speeding down my road at 25 on this restricted piece of shit. The noise was unbearable, whether it was the sound of the bike or the driver walking down the road I don't know. Because of this man my dog died, get this guy off the road!!
He can't use his indicators and nearly knocked me off my Yamaha R125