YA17 VSJ 2018-06-01 01:41:39

This person has plowed their car in to pedestrians, leaving 5 seriously injured, whilst trying to show off doing a drift round a roundabout, then sped off, making this a serious a hit and run incident. Anyone who knows the driver should report them to the police or live with the lives of those 5 people critically injured on their pathetic consciousness.
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YA17 GZF 2018-06-06 10:16:20

Driving way too fast, tail gating and on the phone.
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YA07 RSY 2018-05-30 15:13:32

Very good driver, keep it up.
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YA14 CBV 2018-05-09 21:01:18

Don't get this. Trying to cut in on a roundabout because he drives seat FR and then gives me grieve and abuse.....absolute Twat.. maybe trying to impress hiss underage girlfriend ..we will meet again kiddo.....
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YA16 FFG 2018-05-13 12:08:04

Driver has parked their car in my parking space for the last three days. We pay for this parking space and driver has yet to move their vehicle even after leaving a note for them. Registration YA16FFG.
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YA67 BVE 2018-05-11 16:17:56

Opportunity after opportunity to pull out cars on the left keep going and going

Then does the all time classic of the cash for crasher at a roundabout- move a meter and anchor up again - sorry Im to experienced love

Then into the 40 where she refuses to move left at 27 in a 40

TBH I think she was just to fat to reach the controls
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YA63 WYV 2018-05-15 18:52:35

YA63 WYV Fat lil chav, driving like a tool far too fast down a 20mph zone.
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YA14 FFS 2018-05-13 23:46:44

Have you ever sharted?
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YA67 VZD 2018-05-10 15:46:45

ran red light in Bradford
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YA07 EZR 2018-05-06 22:34:06

Rude occupants who don't care about the rules of the road! Unsafe driving.
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