YA66 DKN 2018-11-28 16:06:28

Was driving through Aberedeen today texting with one hand one hand on wheel. On the busiest street on Aberdeen at peak time !
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YA64 MYW 2018-11-05 00:11:55

Clearly doesn't have a problem with putting other road users' lives at risk. Should be off the road.
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YA10 LAA 2018-11-01 13:17:51

Crazy fast dangerous weaving through slowing traffic on the M1 northbound, around midday, 1st Nov 2018.
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YA65 LCE 2018-10-31 12:46:31

Doesnt concentrate on the road too busy texting. Stops at least half a car width away from the lights to text.
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YA17 WLD 2018-10-30 10:49:57

Worst driver ever. Drives like there on fucking drugs!
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YA65 FCX 2018-10-26 20:54:03

fucking ignorant dickhead. speeding tailgating Weaving without indicating through Manchester centre. mgif wankstain in a white Audi. cunt bucket.
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YA14 YAS 2018-10-23 19:24:35

Bucking the trend for an Audi driver. Leaving a good distance for people on bikes and letting people cross the road!
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YA16 NTU 2018-10-23 15:40:43

speeding through Bradford
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YA18 JOJ 2018-10-10 08:01:19

speeding past a school in Menston during school tun time. Chelsea tractor.
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YA18 XFS 2018-10-04 14:10:14

Crazy driver on a13 nearly hit my car when overtaking
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Worst drivers in June

  1. BU53 FPV
  2. S671 UOA
  3. DG66 HRA
  4. KM09 PKU
  5. SG10 BZY
  6. LJ23 YCT
  7. GL20 ONN
  8. GJ24 NNH
  9. FV04 FWJ
  10. NA06 AAV

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