YC66 ZGY 2019-09-25 16:11:01

Billy Big Balls.
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YC08 DHG 2019-09-17 21:38:57

Looks like a mooslime, pedo, rapist scum.
Typical of people from the “religion of peace” to attack.
Dirty mudslimes!!!
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YC08 DHG 2019-09-16 21:56:21

Typical lowlife backward cunts
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YC19 DSB 2019-09-08 12:30:52

its not new, could be on the road over 6 months, just an arrogant shit driver. red down for parking like a twat, with no class....
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YC10 ZPJ 2019-09-07 16:15:16

I was the passenger in that car, please excuse my boyfriend driving, he has a very low IQ and was upset because we had been to the local chemists and they had sold out of our favourite lube.
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YC16 YOM 2019-08-29 10:33:06

Cunts Gonny get a bad one
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YC11 YJV 2019-08-20 16:25:45

The driver of this van is a nonce and can’t park for shit 🤬
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YC67 YDB 2019-07-31 22:14:19

nice hair my lad, your a cutey pie
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YC19 UWL 2019-07-24 08:08:25

He made me scared to drive the he you swung at me. So dangerous and threatening which all could have been avoided if you'd just stayed in your lane and not tried to undertake.
What kind of horrible person tries to spit at a girl in a car because they beep you for your bad driving.
I hope you lose your licence.
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YC15 EOZ 2019-07-18 19:38:22

In spite of the sign clearly stating Private Lane, no parking, this driver has parked outside an elderly lady’s front window and gone off on a train for several days.
This lane is access to a busy HGV business.
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