YC18 PXO 2019-01-03 15:56:38

Maybe they didn't want 'car park rash' on their doors. I'm sick of finding dents in my doors after parking in supermarkets.
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YC67 XZZ 2018-12-27 20:59:20

But not me! Hehe
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YC66 HDG 2018-12-16 16:40:52

THATS WHY YOU MORON- I CANT RISK HITTING PEOPLE AT 20 MPH CAN I ?? just wait then overtake properly.
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YC66 HDG 2018-12-02 14:02:10

that ''cycle path'' is a shared path with a 12 mph speed limit- people step right in front of you on it and i've nearly hit them multiple times, thats why im not using it ya bellend, nor do i need to! theres no law saying cyclists have to use cycle lanes, and mostly we dont cos theyre either dangerous or crap or give you punctures! i was going 20 mph when you passed me, 30 mph after that then i overtook you so whos the faster vehicle anyway?? ME! imbecile
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YC66 HDG 2018-11-19 15:54:14

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YC57 YYK 2018-11-20 15:07:25

Horrendously impatient driver.
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YC66 HDG 2018-11-15 03:33:19

Please upload it. It's a public space, right? And if someone is doing the things you accuse them of then the world needs to be aware of it. I hope you are OK now mate.
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YC06 UPZ 2018-09-28 13:21:16

Absolutely shit driving from this man, caught him hammering his knackered Seat round the the one way system outside Nuffield gym.

He was wearing an extremely low cut vest, was listening “Get your titties out” and was screaming about how he was gonna miss bodypump, narrowly missed a school child with his swinging door- was doing at least 60 through town centre
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YC06 UPZ 2018-09-27 15:13:06

Saw this driver try to park the other day. Oh the hilarity. First attempt he absolutely pounded a white BMW. Then drove off to find more prey. Next up was a brand new ford fiesta ST, that one took a scrape to the wing mirror but the driver left un-phased. He then finally managed to park safely next to a Peugeot 208 GTI, but had parked so close he had to pound the other car with his door.

I have since witnessed this guy drive round a corner and have his door swing open, which collided with a dog, death on impact. The driver absconded quickly
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YC18 FGK 2018-08-23 19:13:54

There's no way such a girly car is a company car, not unless they are a hairdresser.
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