Ridiculous driver... drives well above the speed limit through wrington village. Going down the main road passed amors was going like 3 MPH over the speed limit. This man needs to be named and shamed for her disgusting driving and the police will be contacted, the car itself was black and driven by a bold Caucasian male in his mid 30s-40s lemme know on wrington matters if you have seen him.
Guy in silver car with this reg parked in disabled bay at Morrison’s Chippenham and meant I could use the bay for which I have a blue badge for. Didn’t seem to care
This driver must be taken of the road before killing an innocents.
He is so rubbish driver that thinks own the road.
Hopefully he will get his punishment very soon.
It's kind of expected that it's an Essex Tractor, a new one at that, parking so selfishly. If only they had a brain to use the free car park which isn't 20 metres away.
See when you approach yellow boxed areas and you can't make it to the other side without stopping...? Don't fucking stop in them and hold up everyone. Fucking idiot
Ridiculous driver... drives well above the speed limit through wrington village. Going down the main road passed amors was going like 3 MPH over the speed limit. This man needs to be named and shamed for her disgusting driving and the police will be contacted, the car itself was black and driven by a bold Caucasian male in his mid 30s-40s lemme know on wrington matters if you have seen him.