I meet this dangerous driver on a regular basis. Thinks it's a good idea to apply make-up whilst driving in stop-start traffic. When warned countless times to concentrate on not ramming my behind, she has an attitude about it. Pure ignorance. She knows who I am now and when she's not applying make-up, she's speeding up my rear in attempt to intimidate me.
Was in a right turn lane and sped straight forward cutting us up and other traffic. Didn't like being beeped to say he was in the wrong. Proceeded to drive down the road at 5mph, speed up and brake check. When my passenger (mother) took a picture of his reg he got out the car and came to my window with clenched fists threatening me (I am a female just to add). He then sped off at about 90mph down a residential street. Police were called and will be paying this charming chap a visit.
HIt and run on a cyclist with a car door!