YK51 BZF 2017-07-11 14:47:38

Elderly female, slamming brakes on every few yards even when no hazards, also poor road discipline, very poor driving.
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YK03 KTC 2017-07-11 11:44:22

Please does anyone know if this Van has been around Chelmsford?? There are reports of them stealing children's bikes.
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YK65 EYJ 2017-07-10 19:03:56

DANGEROUS! this driver doing over 40 in 20 mph zone wellingborough.lots of kids cross this road to get to the park you self important idiot!
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YK16 FLX 2017-07-09 03:04:23

Absolute Cracker of a driver, very reliable...
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YK65 FUA 2017-06-22 18:37:24

Aggressive and dangerous, high speed push in attempt and subsequent severe breaking trying to cause a collision.
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YK14 FXX 2017-06-19 22:04:44

standard pushy BM driver. entitled rather than dangerous but not far off
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YK06 MVF 2017-06-15 19:35:40

Nice engine
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YK10 PKN 2017-06-06 19:28:11

Which is what you're supposed to do lol!
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YK15 TRZ 2017-06-04 14:40:18

Does not use their indicators.
Almost caused a car accident in King Cross today. Over the limit, no care for other drivers.
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YK16 BPJ 2017-06-01 12:45:11

Always drives past my house which is a dead end road with a different young girl in the car each time. Then returns 30 minutes or so later. So inconsiderate as he always wakes us up!
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  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
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  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
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  10. WG02 NFE

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