If the police want to catch any louts, then why aren't they patrolling in and around Jubilee Park? You don't even have to look..you can HEAR these idiots on illegal bikes and quads going hell for leather for hours on end, it never stops.
If people had proper patrols (including plain clothes) patrolling this town then you'd need a fleet of buses to haul the catch back the base, because the problem is almost everywhere and the police are seldom seen save for fleeting patrols - a huge number of response units have to come from other areas.
Tipton police station doesn't have a front desk and is in line for closure..and you wonder why the scum walks around with impunity?
And you wonder why the local comp has gone through special measures, time and time again? You wonder why they routinely race around on these illegal offroad bikes and quads? You wonder why they have a bad attitude and look for trouble on a nightly basis? They do it because they can get away with it, because the police are forced to prioritize correctness than they are dealing with real crime..
Hell, Park Lane didn't suddenly become the "Tipton Triangle" overnight regardless of what the likes of the BBC will tell you. These areas were literally left to rot and the scum in them festered, that's why. You don't read BBC reports on the whites being racially abused in that area in recent years, or the gun-running? Drugs? It's because being correct and inclusive is more important than giving a shit about the real world. That's why.
Apparently, Mrs Billance, the 'owner' of this vehicle, thinks it's okay to register her car at my address. She doesn't live here. I don't want MOT reminders at my house.
A real cool motorbike driver. Tailgating me some time and then overtaking me in an S-turn (no visibility if anyone came from the other direction), not even bothering to use direction indicators. I then noticed he had a lady passenger as well. Why do motorbikes often need to overtake ?
worst driver ive ever seen in my life