YR18 RKF 2018-09-20 14:09:22

This guy is the best driver possible driver
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YR61 MKL 2018-08-15 13:16:49

I love it when a biker comes crashing down.

Cheers me up on the inside.
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-29 13:36:43

Sadly, if only the other people in the world could be trusted not to deliberately bang their doors on your car, then there wouldn't be an excuse for parking like that.

If you want to keep your car dent free, then you have no choice and have to park like this.
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YR18 FXY 2018-08-02 15:52:24

Asda council estate trash
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-23 16:55:29

Nice car and I can see 3 spaces just in that tiny pic

Get some perspective bellend - all the dicks on the Road and this worries you - oh course cos you will be one of the old fart idiots that gets in everyones way and truly drives badly
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-28 17:42:38

Looks like a child molester in his ford fuck arse
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-27 15:27:14

Oh Christ it's the diesel one too ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆnot even worth parking it like that nothing to be proud of
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-27 10:52:26

Couldn't afford an RS
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-25 10:29:54

We all know he thinks heโ€™s got the right cause the car is new......... no excuse though, dirty bellend.
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-25 10:24:27

Look atthe knockers on that fat bird.
I bet she goes like the clappers!
Dirty cunt loves it upmthe fart box.
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