YR18 FXY 2018-07-24 22:08:01

Wow cut back on the pies mate, you got bigger tits than Jordan.
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-24 16:08:12

There’s dumb, I wonder where dumber is ??
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-23 20:02:51

Needs the space to roll out otherwise how else will the fat bastard get out of the sports seats.
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YR18 FXY 2018-07-22 16:06:01

another cum logged idiot behind a wheel
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YR17 TOU 2018-06-26 16:11:44

At roughly 8:05 this morning, I saw this red Škoda Citygo pass between 2 cars on different sides of the road and then carry on up another road on that same junction. I don't believe that the driver indicated either. Please note that many children cross this junction to get to school at roughly the same time that this happened. The photo that I took was from just after he cut across the road.
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YR07 GHZ 2018-06-30 18:27:27

Yeah I'm with the other commenter you're a bad driver and dangerous too. Hope the police charge you !
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YR07 GHZ 2018-04-19 13:56:25

Idiot motor biker, almost causes crash then when beeped stops bike and causes criminal damage.

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YR67 KBP 2018-04-08 17:49:25

This dumbass woman was driving too fast in the country lane and caused me to swerve into a bush. didn't even stop to see how I was. Appalling.
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YR66 UAO 2018-03-12 09:11:43

Hit a car on the motorway proceeded to drive at slow dangerous speeds. Refused to pull over and left the scene of an accident. Also used phone while driving a large vehicle on the motorway! Hazard should be banned!! Photo attached of driver.
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YR66 UAO 2018-03-12 00:27:50

Needs to be disciplined, hit another road user and failed to stop. On his phone whilst driving also and made rude hand gestures, dangerous driving by swerving as well.

Attached is the driver in question.
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