Driver of this vehicle seems to think that cutting a person up, driving off at excessive speed, not paying attention or due care while operating a vehicle, she gave way on a main carrigeway to traffic that was not priority and had to give way to traffic at the junction, she then veered off from that incident to nearly take out two cars on the opposite carriage way then at a set of lights wanted to know "why?"
I told her, she "Cut me up at a roundabout that she was in the wrong lane to access nearly taking the front of my car off, then gave way to traffic she shouldn't of, causing a blockage in the highway and nearly hitting three cars.
She then came back with "I will give way to whom I bloody well like" and its a good job I had my camera on, really good job.
She has been reported to the police for dangerous driving, driving without due care, nearly causing an RTA.
IDK what was worse, her ignorance to what she had done or her defending he choice to give way in a situation that was clearly contrary to highway legislation.
this guy does like 90 on the motorway and nearly caused a crash