YX55 XAR 2018-01-31 00:53:54

This stupid twat drives slowly (presumably on his phone), until someone overtakes him. He then speeds up, cutting up everyone until he is back in front. Proceeds to drive slowly again.
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YX63 KUG 2018-01-30 22:35:23

Dangerous bully on the road, uses his car to force vulnerable people out of his way. Google his regular to see video evidence. Shouldn't have a licence.
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YX58 ZVZ 2018-01-15 04:38:00

You aren't getting off scot free either

See also http://rate-driver.co.uk/YJ59HHE
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YX16 NPN 2018-01-11 08:35:48

Absolute arrogant driver, very evasive afressive driving swerving in front of me and slamming brakes on for no apparent reason, I tried holding back to diffuse the situation but driver of said Audi kept swerving lane to lane in front of me for further half a mile.
Have reported to local Police for dangerous driving and potential driver under the influence. Please be aware.
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YX58 ZYZ 2018-01-16 00:51:37

Moron blocked traffic when he shouldn't have. Idiiot shouldn't be driving.
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YX61 VZY 2017-11-29 23:53:00

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YX06 YWL 2017-11-25 10:37:26

Driver racist and shouting at both me and brother while we were walking down the road. Drove back around to ask why I'd taken a pic of the number plate after she'd already been aggressive and proceeded to take a picture of my face without my consent. Screamed racist slurs at us and when we asked them to square up cause they were "so tough" from within the car, she drove off.
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YX12 WKR 2017-11-27 17:16:07

Driving in two lanes.
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YX15 UBP 2017-11-24 16:19:55

He’s obviously a self centred prick who parked at the entrance to a car wash and then went back into the petrol station to get a ticket therefore holding everyone up
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YX61 ZKN 2017-11-21 14:07:22

Very bad driving along Hyde road nearly nocked my fab lolly out of my hand
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