MX18 HVY 2019-07-07 14:29:38

Driver cant drive at all. Speeding around West London!
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HD19 UAU 2019-06-30 13:57:31

I just politely waited for an oncoming car as I couldn’t get past because the owner of this brand new van didn’t know the length of his bonnet and was stuck out in my lane, to which he then pulled out infront of me giving me the wa*ker symbol and sped off to then brake check me all the way along the road until he turned off. Who is the bigger wanker now matey?!!
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DG11 FZZ 2019-07-07 13:09:58

Drives like a granny and has a fat head.
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YP62 NVJ 2019-06-30 11:37:08

Networkrail the van at the front is still here!! I noticed it at 8:30am and at 3pm it's still blocking a pavement even tho I told you
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PK55 YWD 2019-06-30 12:30:31

Nice to see that your child is very safely seatbelted in the back of your car without her head sticking right out the window waving at every passing person. Not.
Seatbelts and child seats are there for a reason.
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GC14 XDT 2019-07-07 12:23:52

Biggest cock going, guy cant drive. Rude and ponce of his grandads money
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GY52 FZE 2019-07-07 12:02:57

Saw this Mercedes Last month driving Horrendously through Beaconsfield, was doing at least 100mph on a 40mph road.
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GY10 EVT 2019-06-30 11:58:01

Colourblind or just a knob?
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EN67 NJY 2019-07-07 11:27:46

Drives a fast car, but can't actually drive it
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LD61 RTU 2019-07-07 11:26:04

Stopped at green light and nearly went on red . How stupid can you be
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