WN16 HHT 2019-06-29 19:20:50

Weaving all over the A6 at 6:42am causing oncoming traffic to flash their lights at him to try alert him. Either pissed from the night before or playing on his phone.
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J18 HGL 2019-06-29 22:59:16

Behaving like a complete tosser, weaving in and out the lanes in an attempt to cut everyone up and almost caused an accident. Complete disregard towards other road users
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K3 TMJ 2019-06-29 22:58:51

Had the misfortune of encountering this bell end on the roads tonight.
Driving 40 in a 60, braking whilst accelerating, drifting across lanes without indicating towards a car (who was admittedly doing something stupid themselves) only to swerve abruptly back, lane-hogging, hopping across 2 lanes at once... and all within the space of about 5 minutes!
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Y576 VGA 2019-06-27 21:37:34

All them empty wire spaces and you still park like a mogoloid.
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T89 JUG 2019-07-06 21:36:19

Old shitbox
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NV19 UXK 2019-06-29 21:31:02

I could see a goofy looking kind of person with no helmet on the wrong sides of the road causing Mayhem. The police tried to catch him but he went through a park full of young children putting them in danger. I really don’t know how he got insurance he needs a ban
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BU18 WLG 2019-07-06 21:01:07

Awful Can driver almost caused an accident on uperton rd!!
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S21 TCG 2019-07-06 20:47:29

Mad man in a black van, didn't stop for me at zebra crossing and instead drove right over the pavement. DANGEROUS!

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F6 DED 2019-07-06 20:46:43

now on a white Merc in Fenham , Newcastle. Stupid driver regularly racing on Wingrove road.... 7 months after a young woman was killed ... same road; another racer. Idiot.
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Y974 TBG 2019-07-06 20:38:33

Stupid lady had her son in the passenger but refused to stop for me on a zebra crossing and almost ran me over, slowly drove past, smiled and laughed about it.

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Worst drivers in June

  1. NA06 AAV
  2. B16 TAJ
  3. EU06 OUB
  4. LJ23 YCT
  5. GL20 ONN
  6. VK12 OLA
  7. KY61 JPJ
  8. KR19 NCX
  9. MO14 LEY
  10. SG10 BZY

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