BD61 OOG 2018-07-03 12:34:12

Dangerous driver. Risking other drivers lives by tailgating, overtaking and pulling out in front of oncoming cars.

No tax on the car as well as no MOT and probably uninsured.

Been reported.
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RV18 JJY 2018-07-10 12:33:56

Idiot overtaking in a 30 zone and 40 zone the cars he overtook were doing the speed limit, fast and dangerous driver
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E5 GWS 2018-07-02 10:51:43

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ND09 HDK 2018-07-03 11:46:04

I am the driver in question, this content has been removed from youtube as it was a false claim and the poster decided to post personal details including an update to my workplace when I moved jobs. As another user pointed out there were 3 videos posted the final video shows that I pulled in where it was safe to do so. I accepted responsability entirely and made an error of judgement when the incident happened. So i appreciate that everything you see on the internet may seem real but the origional poster should be ashamed of himself posting false information.
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BV08 WYP 2018-07-10 11:21:11

Parks like an absolute idiot and blocks traffic from getting past.
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YR63 DOU 2018-07-10 09:51:48

this was my old car
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YS18 YYE 2018-07-10 09:49:30

yer nan looks like a nonce waiting out side the primary schools he was trying to pick up 5 year old and tried to bbq my 5 year old
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BK66 BSY 2018-07-10 09:39:23

Constantly slamming on without reason, bad lane positioning and does not indicate at all.
Female driver that’s going to cause an accident!
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SH54 DKH 2018-07-10 09:36:37

hes got a sick car
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OO14 EFD 2018-07-03 07:59:49

Young driver and lady passenger thought it was fun to travel close behind lorries so it looked like they were being towed then pulll out in front of other drivers and braking.
They were overtaking in the inside lane and as they came up to the third car, it moved left. This upset this young driver so he decided to overtake and put his brakes on hard coming up to the M18 junction at 5pm.
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