BE08 HAR 2018-07-04 19:31:47

something wrong with your number plate making it hard to read, so I thought I would post here to let you know

Your MOT 4737 2051 3565 in 2016 says the front plate also has the same problem

Offside Front Upper registration plate faded but not likely to be misread (6.3.1d)
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LR59 FYV 2018-07-04 23:20:12

The prick doesn't have a clue how to drive. Bastard pulls out into any incoming traffic without even looking. Almost caused us to crash into him on a motorway then had the audacity to have a go at us. Definitely not a safe driver and shouldn't be allowed to drive especially with customers who pay money!!
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RJ58 MZN 2018-07-11 22:52:31

Fucking lunatic.
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EO66 CXS 2018-07-11 22:19:05

Good driver
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DK67 KXN 2018-07-11 21:21:56

Massive nonce
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EK62 EVL 2018-07-11 20:18:46

Pulled straight out on a roundabout in Guyhirn without looking, fortunately I was paying attention and could see as she was approaching that she didn't seem intent on braking.
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RX15 UZD 2018-07-11 19:16:26

Fat bald muppet with severe road rage issues. Give this helmet a wide berth.
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FL05 WDE 2018-07-11 19:00:26

Awful driver
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LB04 KSE 2018-07-11 18:54:53

Driving like a wanker throwing rubbish out the window whilst driving!!
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AE14 WFG 2018-07-11 18:50:38

Arrogant black Range Rover driver on the M25 J23. Ignores the off slip lane and cuts in at the last minute causing the car on the slip lane to brake sharply. Big car, small ...
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