Selected comments

AY05 ANR 2024-11-11 11:54:05

Red light running mother fucker in his HGV, you should know better as you're supposed to be a professional driver
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AY19 UBT 2024-10-26 13:39:40

Lorry got stuck on a narrow road in Cornwall and had to be lifted out with a crane
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AY12 XBT 2024-10-23 09:54:12

Why is this here again?
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AY73 VFV 2024-09-19 03:13:57

Reposted due to wrong plate.
Parked on the entire path and half on road in residential area. People with prams or wheelchairs have to go into the road blind.
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AY73 VEV 2024-09-18 11:41:13

Parked on the entire path and half on road in residential area. People with prams or wheelchairs have to go into the road blind.

Irresponsible driver of AY73VEV
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