All I can hear is some special needs covid denier mumbling and shouting at security guards. Maybe he should get a job instead of wasting time posting on a site designed to RATE DRIVERS.
I mean, half an hour of some idiot dribbling along empty streets is hardly the demographic this website is going for.
If I was the Range Rover driver, I would have run the cunt over with the camera, purely for the fact that he post shit videos about nothing and tries to argue with everyone. If you are going to post videos in a language that nobody understands, at least put subtitles on it.
Does the (G4S?) driver think they're a cop? Either way I wouldn't engage with them. Maintain the moral high ground especially if they try anything on. No I am not anti-authority or anti-security, and I agree I think the person filming is somewhat rude; however that doesn't absolve their actions. Sating he can't take pictures or ask about vaccinations is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in ages.. who the hell do you think you are?! Your understanding of public photography is dire.
Whilst I think the person filming could have perhaps approached you in a more professional manner, can I please state the following. Filming Covid test sites is not a crime and you have no authority unto others are regards filming said. Thank you.
All I can hear is some special needs covid denier mumbling and shouting at security guards. Maybe he should get a job instead of wasting time posting on a site designed to RATE DRIVERS.
I mean, half an hour of some idiot dribbling along empty streets is hardly the demographic this website is going for.