AV51 KPR 2015-08-22 08:35:53

Woman overtook giving plenty of room. Used horn "I am here" - see Highway Code. Cyclist out of cycle lane overtaking another cyclist without looking behind. Typical poor riding by self-righteous cyclist.
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AE64 NRL 2015-08-10 16:54:06

Overtaking a Coach at a zebra crossing whilst pedestrians are still crossing it and causing a refuse truck to break hard to avoid a possible accident. Yes the rider of this Vespa Scooter is a classic MUPPET!!
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AX51 RMZ 2015-08-17 09:26:55

Complete tosser, that is all.
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AX51 RMZ 2015-08-08 11:15:07

Big deal, slut doesn't know what mirrors are for. How about thinking that by suddenly stopping caused the ambulance to also STOP, that's not what u r supposed to do at all and would have pissed me off as everyone had to stop where the ambulance could not get through due to on coming traffic. Learner should be told to slow and stop if needed but allowing EM to pass where there is space or continue until space given. To simply stop without thinking that cars behind r forced to also stop therefore blocking the EM deserves the finger. Why not look at the traffic approaching and slow accordingly. All in Highway code or Police Roadcraft.
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AX51 RMZ 2015-08-12 14:11:02

stupid whore
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AK13 ATY 2015-08-07 20:03:20

Hmm, don't see what the issue is here, the Volvo simply accelerated quickly to overtake the cyclist safely.
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AK13 ATY 2015-08-06 15:44:53

cyclist was in the wrong
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AX51 RMZ 2015-08-04 11:41:48

I bet she was just late for her Jobcentre appointment
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-30 23:20:47

sick lady who needs help clearly with proper sign language
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-22 21:44:04

Very poor driver.
Little or no spacial awareness.
Abysmal driver attitude.
Stupid enough to gesticulate to an in car camera.

Advice; go back and retake your driving lessons.
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