AU06 KZR 2015-10-24 10:22:51

I just saw this bike on a road leaving Finchingfield... Dear god... Could be a new TT rider in the making...
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AK14 XEE 2015-10-12 23:17:08

Don't take no chances with people like this. Lock the windows and drive away. If they follow you, call the police and drive into the nearest garage, blasting the horn. What's the betting they were filming the car so they could use forged plates on another, stolen vehicle? Not that? So what other reason would they have to film? It might be lawful and it might be a public place, but their actions appear to suggest their motive is far from innocent.. if they're reading this? Come here and provide an explanation!
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AK61 JJE 2015-10-16 01:07:39

This is why people are resorting to on-board cameras, whether they're in a car, on a push-bike or lorry etc... driving like this is becoming more common.
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AY61 AZR 2015-09-19 03:22:03

truck swerves whilst being approached.. looks like something happening with truck and car its following.
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AJ61 JFZ 2015-09-07 17:51:17

Absolute idiot! Went flying past me on the A6 as if I was standing still (I was doing 40mph in the limit), the idiot then slammed on his brakes as there was a speed camera, before forcing his way through the traffic and speeding off again.
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AS14 SPE 2015-09-05 08:18:16

That's his problem, then. Not yours. Fuck him. If he hits your cat he'll have no defence especially if or when the camera shows just how close he is..

Just to ensure: the guy in the picture is NOT the person accused of tail-gating, right?
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A18 FPH 2015-09-05 08:05:33

At first it seemed OK, they admitted their fault. But then they under-took the car in front, suggesting they're not fit to drive.
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AV51 KPR 2015-08-23 01:37:36

Welcome to the generation of "Nothing to lose motorist". They get next to nothing premiums on next to nothing value cars and cause massive amounts of liability and damage to other road users. Old fiesta, worth shit but causing massive problems for everyone else. And insurance companies will keep allowing them on the road for next to nothing.
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AV51 KPR 2015-08-22 08:35:53

Woman overtook giving plenty of room. Used horn "I am here" - see Highway Code. Cyclist out of cycle lane overtaking another cyclist without looking behind. Typical poor riding by self-righteous cyclist.
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AE64 NRL 2015-08-10 16:54:06

Overtaking a Coach at a zebra crossing whilst pedestrians are still crossing it and causing a refuse truck to break hard to avoid a possible accident. Yes the rider of this Vespa Scooter is a classic MUPPET!!
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