AX51 RMZ 2015-07-22 19:37:47

this idiot needs her licence taking away and to be told she will never get it back and has to use public transport for the rest of her life as well as spend time in A&E to see the effects os idiots like her on the road
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-29 12:48:27

It is a wonder how she passed her test and got her license.
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-29 09:46:14

I would have stopped the car an smacked her one in the mouth...
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-29 06:29:48

Report for road rage!
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-23 17:56:23

Awful driver and, judging by her `hand gestures`, an awful human being as well.
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-22 23:27:46

Needs removing from the highways until she sits a re- test thats if she has taken a test in the first place
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-22 20:13:33

Ridiculous driving from a ridiculous woman.
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-22 19:22:38

Abysmal driving, scary that people like her have a driving licence.
Totally unaware of her surroundings and oblivious to the courtesy that should be shown to emergency vehicles.
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-22 18:45:12

Needs to has a retest.
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AX51 RMZ 2015-07-22 17:25:55

Learn to look in your mirrors you fertile moron!
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