AC03 HMD 2016-04-30 22:01:20

You only need one full stop before signing your name .
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AG02 WZZ 2016-04-27 16:58:22

Lane one looks lonely.
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AV10 EXO 2016-04-24 21:33:21

Report her to the police, these big titted drivers need to be banned!
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AG02 WZZ 2016-04-24 20:03:55

Why is everyone driving along in the outside lane when the inside lane is empty ?
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AG02 WZZ 2016-04-24 19:46:54

Sorry forgot to say the video clip is reversed (thats the way the camera films).
I am in the outside lane when you see he changes lane then accelerates past about 4 or 5 cars at speed.
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AF13 XWH 2016-04-24 06:18:16

Bastards. Hope you get it back. Any clues as to who it was? Maybe there was CCTV or witnesses. I hope they come off and die, the thieving scum bastards.
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AV08 TOJ 2016-04-15 20:18:45

Peterborough is shamed for being number 2 in the UK for the worst drivers.
I Have to use Perkins Parkway every day to join the A1 and to get back home. I always find it the worst part of my journey, impatient, dangerous and speeding drivers cutting across from the second lane to exit as you describe, also those joining from the slip roads are normally going much faster than the traffic on the Parkway just so they can speed across other vehicles to the inside lane.
Have you noticed that many of the cars are poorly maintained old bangers with those silly juvenile , noisy and useless big cheapo tailpipes, I suspect these are just driving locally as they seem to join then leave at the next exit (after causing mayhem) - So why the need to drive like an imbecile?!!
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AH59 ONU 2016-04-20 18:17:09

His car is a dark estate car, possibly a Vauxhall.
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AV08 TOJ 2016-04-15 20:01:06

Brilliant driver
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AK10 DEE 2016-04-15 16:38:29

Call the cops ref: blocking a carriageway/obstruction.
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