AE04 NNH 2018-05-21 23:15:43

He nearly got smashed into on a round about but he somehow drifted round the courner and avoided an accident
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AE54 GLK 2018-05-16 18:53:48

Praking Tudor primary school
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AE03 HVZ 2018-03-20 22:49:52

Very courteous
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AE14 PWU 2018-03-19 13:14:15

Good driver
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AE13 SUY 2018-03-12 23:00:47

Stupid arse cunt. Revving the crap out of a shitty 5 year old transit van. Dopey cunt
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AE62 CRU 2018-02-19 11:04:13

Overtakes me on a roundabout and then traffic is stopped just as we come off, causing me to do an emergency stop.

Then comes to a dead stop on a busy main road to let traffic out from a minor side road that couldn't even pull out anyway because the other side wasn't clear!

Tailgating car in front the whole time, brake lights permanently on so no idea when they're actually slowing down or not.

Not focussing on driving at all, hands going everywhere except on the wheel and something being passed around between driver and passengers in the car.

Hazards and other lights randomly coming on for no reason. Extremely confusing and dangerous to other drivers.

The list could go on. Still debating whether to report to police for careless driving, count yourself very lucky if I don't. Only a matter of time until you cause an accident.
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AE14 OVR 2017-12-14 18:32:04

BMW joins the motorway behind a slower vehicle and cuts straight across to lane 2 causing me and the HGV I am passing to brake. He then goes back to lane 1 and I regain my lost speed. Next, he accelerates again pulling in front of me but then seems to object to my flash of Full Beam. Next trick up his sleeve is flashing his brake lights, weaving about and dropping his speed. As I go to pass him, he swerves dangerously in front of me forcing me to brake hard. Cut up three times by the same pr@tt in a BMW.
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AE53 SZV 2017-12-09 20:00:34

Another retard in a golf. You have to wait for the car in front (me), to move out of the way (not possible with traffic on the inside) before you overtake?

Wait your turn moron.
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AE15 NYK 2017-11-03 16:20:14

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AE67 VUP 2017-10-24 20:30:12

Joint spot introuder
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