Peterborough is shamed for being number 2 in the UK for the worst drivers.
I Have to use Perkins Parkway every day to join the A1 and to get back home. I always find it the worst part of my journey, impatient, dangerous and speeding drivers cutting across from the second lane to exit as you describe, also those joining from the slip roads are normally going much faster than the traffic on the Parkway just so they can speed across other vehicles to the inside lane.
Have you noticed that many of the cars are poorly maintained old bangers with those silly juvenile , noisy and useless big cheapo tailpipes, I suspect these are just driving locally as they seem to join then leave at the next exit (after causing mayhem) - So why the need to drive like an imbecile?!!
Yes well clearly by exceeding the speed limit you both reduced the amount of time to deal with the situation, leading to you having to take emergency action. If you'd kept to the limit and aimed to move out in good time before the lorry, then either you would have been able to when you wanted, or else if the other one was blocking you, you'd have had time to just ease off a little bit, let it get ahead, and then slot in behind it.
Sounds like you are trying to make a 'cut up' manoeuvre sound reasonable. Also contravene 162, 163, 164, 167 & 168 of the Highway Code. Back to driving school?
This driver used his lorry as a weapon dangerous and just pure pathetic driving no intentions of stopping when cutting me and 3 other cars up in a filter lane absolute T$sser
Welcome to the generation of "Nothing to lose motorist". They get next to nothing premiums on next to nothing value cars and cause massive amounts of liability and damage to other road users. Old fiesta, worth shit but causing massive problems for everyone else. And insurance companies will keep allowing them on the road for next to nothing.
Woman overtook giving plenty of room. Used horn "I am here" - see Highway Code. Cyclist out of cycle lane overtaking another cyclist without looking behind. Typical poor riding by self-righteous cyclist.
Peterborough is shamed for being number 2 in the UK for the worst drivers.
I Have to use Perkins Parkway every day to join the A1 and to get back home. I always find it the worst part of my journey, impatient, dangerous and speeding drivers cutting across from the second lane to exit as you describe, also those joining from the slip roads are normally going much faster than the traffic on the Parkway just so they can speed across other vehicles to the inside lane.
Have you noticed that many of the cars are poorly maintained old bangers with those silly juvenile , noisy and useless big cheapo tailpipes, I suspect these are just driving locally as they seem to join then leave at the next exit (after causing mayhem) - So why the need to drive like an imbecile?!!