This guy is the best driver on the road. I saw him driving along the other day with such care even know he was in a fast sports car. He should be commended for his talent on the road
He's very proud proud of his lambo so why would he want to drive past red lights and illegally drive? He loves his lambo so he wouldn't want to have it taken it away from him so he used common sense and became an excellent driver
ComedyShortsGamer (deji) is the best driver ever. Dont listen to those utter pricks saying hes a rubbish driver. They are just jelous that hes got a lamborghini and they havent and they know that he might get his lambo taken from him. Deji
Is a great driver and would never drive past red lights etc etc.
Please dont take his lamborghini off him by these liers they ate just jelous. DEJI IS DA BEST M8
Mate what a lad, saw this matey driving in his lambo thought he would be stuck up but polite, keeps it under the speed limit and knows when hes in the wrong.
I saw this bloke driving passed; Obeying every road law, he then proceeded to stop next to me and gave a Road Safety book to read.
What a driver...
(In the Photo you can see his mum being so surprised with his safety skills on the road).