Best driver ever he was stopping for old people to go across the road,helped a young boy who fell of his bike deji picked him up and called his mum for the boy if that's not what you call a good driver then wtf is you trolling cnts
Yo these people are jealous motherfuckers cuz they can't drive cars and can't afford lamborghinis fucking pricks, Deji would smash all you bastard haters.
Deji, also know as ComedyShortsGamer on YouTube is a very good driver, people say that he has caused car crashes, cuts people off, revs loud at red lights and even more but it's not true at all. They people writing this crap are just trying to make him lose his new Lamborghini, it's not fair he doesn't deserve to lose it. The other day I saw him driving in his Lamborghini and he was extremely careful, keeping his eyes on the road, not cutting anyone off, not passing red lights, nothing. Don't take his car, he doesn't deserve to lose it.
It's sad seeing people hating on him. Most of them are liitle kids who are 12 years old. They will never have a future. Everything they will have is a box with a candle and a Bobby Car that's all. Is it really worth it to be jealous on some on. He worked hard for this car. #weloveDeji
I have seen him drive on the pavement,terible driving and he is a very bad driver