I'm going to bingo instead of seeing my least favourite nephew. Riley, you have awful hair and I want to go to bingo and make you cry again. I hope you roll on the floor like you did once before and I hope you cry. Then I will make sure your dad uploads it to Facebook and I will make sure James sees it and spreads it around. MUHUHAHAHA! CRY BABY!
Braindead, clueless little cunt with his equally moronic mate who will inevitably cause an accident and hopefully not injure anyone other than himself.
I'm going to bingo instead of seeing my least favourite nephew. Riley, you have awful hair and I want to go to bingo and make you cry again. I hope you roll on the floor like you did once before and I hope you cry. Then I will make sure your dad uploads it to Facebook and I will make sure James sees it and spreads it around. MUHUHAHAHA! CRY BABY!