Thinks it perfectly acceptable to block a cycle track and make everyone else go in the dog poo filled grass on a Bank Holiday weekend so he can save himself carrying the wood for his fencing job even though he knew when he quoted for the job that there is no vehicular access allowed onto the cycle track. When politely advised he shouldn't be there became angry and intimidating and when he returned the next day he reversed all the way down until within touching distance trying to intimidate me off the path. A guy who likes to intimidate middle aged women, wow, what a guy - haha.
Lorry for JSH. On A421 just off junction 13 of M1, where the two lanes merge into one. Almost succeeded in running me into the crash barriers when he decided he didn't want to merge. He actually sped up in his HGV to close the gap between himself and the truck infront. When I beeped him to let him know I was there I got a barrage of verbal abuse accompanied by various hand gestures. Not two seconds later he was swigging his tea in his white mug!! Unbelievable!
Theif stole the money for this car from hard working individuals. keeps acid in his club to throw it in the face of any1 who wants to complain about it.
Awful driver on the M5 this morning, slowed right down in the middle lane and almost swerved into me. Was on his mobile phone texting. I had to slow down and then overtake him to escape being boxed in. A further mile or so down the road he sped past way in excess of the speed limit.
Crap driver, on the phone, drinking coffee etc while driving placing skips right next to entrances so can't see traffic when you pulling out and arogant.
Thinks it perfectly acceptable to block a cycle track and make everyone else go in the dog poo filled grass on a Bank Holiday weekend so he can save himself carrying the wood for his fencing job even though he knew when he quoted for the job that there is no vehicular access allowed onto the cycle track. When politely advised he shouldn't be there became angry and intimidating and when he returned the next day he reversed all the way down until within touching distance trying to intimidate me off the path. A guy who likes to intimidate middle aged women, wow, what a guy - haha.