Absolutely insane woman driver. Cuts across from the opposite lane of a busy junction to cut me off whilst I was turning left. Then proceeds to go cut a mini-roundabout whilst other vehicles are using.
Total disregard for safety of others and general public.
This idiot driver decided to dangerously undertake several cars on the footpath at speed. It happened on Cole Hall Lane, Stechford, Birmingham, B34 6HE at 12.53pm on Thursday 14 April 2016. We were waiting at a traffic calming junction with several cars behind us. This white Vauxhall Astra mounted the footpath on the left, and came speeding along very close to all the waiting cars. The footpath runs along connecting footpaths to a playing field so luckily there was no-one walking on the pavement. Traffic calming were put on this road due to dangerous and speeding drivers, but they now just drive on the footpath. This idiot was reported to the police. The driver did not want to wait for a few seconds behind other cars, and just wanted to undertake everyone and drive as fast as possible.
White ford transit camper with a kayak on the roof
Idiot nearly killed me whilst riding my bike today. Was doing between 25-30 mph and this wally decided to try and fit a 2 metre wide vehicle in a 2.1 metre gap!
Police team of two in vehicle BX14 EAG, Camden Rd Petrol Station, 4.10 - 4.30pm 28/03/2016. First they chuck a used plastic bottle across garage road forecourt. On missing bin, don't bother picking it up and deposting it in the bin. Then when a girl walks across garage forecourt with lit cigarette they do nothing to challenge her inspite of my repeated attempts to alert them to the problem. On leaving they then told me that they had noticed her, but did nothing about it and proceeded to drive in the opposite direction.
Driver's head is so shiny the reflection dazzled me almost to the point of accident