CE11 LVL 2017-01-21 23:41:10

You have a go at the motorist for passing a car on the left at a crossing but you blame him when you do the same !
These rules apply to cyclists aswell.. you are not above the law just because you think you are unaccountable for any motoring offence !
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CE65 GBO 2017-01-16 13:57:59

Good driver, sticks to the highway code to the T. Nice to see this type of driving.
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CE51 FBJ 2016-11-19 23:02:30

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CE62 VRJ 2016-11-10 23:57:54

Don't really see an issue here.
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CE64 WHP 2016-09-12 17:26:24

Shouting and swearing for no reason and then overtook and slammed brakes on in front of me.
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CE61 YOC 2016-09-06 01:42:57

CE61YOC why were you reportedly driving like a stupid selfish cunt?
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CE03 VFG 2016-07-31 02:17:48

This van is now a right off
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CE13 REU 2016-07-27 20:10:40

Link please.
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CE65 HXT 2016-06-09 05:59:22

Why did you just sit behind him and get all cross? Just overtake him you idiot and move on.
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CE65 HXT 2016-06-09 00:25:03

UK is one over-crowded shit-hole..
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