Young chav lad with young chav girl in the front and some lanky lad in the back. Up peoples arses - weaving around on a country road and over taking 4 cars on a blind dip. Must have been going about 90mph. Wouldn’t mind but cars weren’t exactly going slow.... pushing his chavved-up Corsa to the max!
This car was literally tailgating me whilst they had their phone to their ear. I have never been so perplexed, annoyed and confused at the same time. Disgusting.
Young chav lad with young chav girl in the front and some lanky lad in the back. Up peoples arses - weaving around on a country road and over taking 4 cars on a blind dip. Must have been going about 90mph. Wouldn’t mind but cars weren’t exactly going slow.... pushing his chavved-up Corsa to the max!