CP09 RNV 2017-06-15 16:17:21

Ghostriding with shit all over his piece of crap
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CP11 KTT 2017-06-02 14:25:50

Aggressively and dangerously tailgating my car on the central link heading out of Cardiff Town centre. We had only just taken off from the traffic lights and this woman was driving almost bumper to bumper with me at nearly 35mph, sounding her horn, as I tried to increase my speed to 50mph she over took me on the inside lane and proceeded to tailgate the cars in front that were approaching the roundabout. Luckily there were no accidents but it takes a split second doesn't it for accidents to happen because of reckless and mindless driving.
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CP06 YKD 2017-06-03 02:59:46

All over the road believed to be drink driving at 3am Saturday the 3rd of June 2017
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CP66 FYR 2017-05-26 21:28:30

Aggressive tailgating and overtaking all on a 30mph road (NDR bridgwater). He really got far given queue of traffic at temporary traffic lights ahead on red. Typical idiot who gives Audi drivers a bad name and obviously trying to overcompensate for inadequacies downstairs!
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CP10 VXY 2017-05-16 04:04:25

Absolute c*** drives like an apsolute asshole he's all over the road used to own a BMW and drove that like a dick too, needs to have his driving licence taken off him he's been reported by police server times for bad driving and another thing there seems to be a smell of cannabis every time he drives past me so he's possibly on drugs while driving
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CP16 NMZ 2017-05-13 19:29:00

driving like a complete moron
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CP11 FZS 2017-05-13 22:34:50

Stupid woman in a black Fiat ran a redlight and almost hit my daughter in her pushchair, she knew what she'd done because she stopped and then drove off without apologising.
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CP54 HLF 2017-03-29 21:18:44

This driver trying smash breaks in the front heavy truck. Crash for Cash!?!?
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CP08 RNV 2017-04-05 20:08:05

You are a excellent driver
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CP64 ESU 2017-03-27 01:09:19

Used by rogue workmen offering to lay driveways. Source:North Yorkshire Police 26-3-2017
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