Driving about in Inverness without a clue as to how roundabouts work. They pulled out in front of our car, almist causing an accident. Get off the road and get some more lessons you idiot.
Poor driver smoking, unnecessarily tailgating on the M6 when traffic is slowing, accelerating rapidly and undertaking. Flashing lights whilst tailgating. It’s not a race, it’s get there safely. Don’t let an accident be the reason you reassess your driving style. Allow plenty of time to get to your destination or (at this rate) you may not get there at all!
Tailgating :- even if safety doesn’t bother you. All it takes is for someone to (an insurance fraudsters dream) dab the brakes and you’re saying hello to higher insurance premiums and a whole world of hassle.
the guy driving this Volvo is an absolute tosser, He did his best to run me off the A55 today. Undertaking & cutting in front of me inches away & then jumping on the brakes with young children in the back crawling around without any restraints whatsoever, When he turned off at LLandudno junction he then put two fingers up at me.. The roads are dangerous enough without tossers like him trying to kill people.
Driving about in Inverness without a clue as to how roundabouts work. They pulled out in front of our car, almist causing an accident. Get off the road and get some more lessons you idiot.