Always picking the shortest lane at the lights or roundabout, even when it's the wrong lane. Cutting in at the last second. Very aggressive, very dangerous. Car sounds like a comedy trombone. Member of the "Vauxhall Owners Club". Mum must be proud of this boy.
Idiot Picking Fights with Cars in Blackpool
Aggressive guy with mates, trying to pick fights with cars, drivers, and passers by at Lytham Road and Highfiled Road junction in Blackpool, after visiting The Farmers Arms pub.
Aggressive guy with mates, trying to pick fights with cars, drivers, and passers by at Lytham Road and Highfield Road junction in Blackpool, after visiting The Farmers Arms pub. Looking for the next fight.
In cases like this, it would be nice to let the cars win occasionally.
and passers by at Lytham Road and Highfiled Road junction in Blackpool, after visiting The Farmers Arms pub.
opposite the Farmers Arms pub. We don't know what caused him to kick off, presumably some aggro with its owner
Here seen leaving as a passenger seat in the black hatchback (on the right had side of the road!)
Some arsehole blocking the cycle lane in Lenzie.