Met the driver today as he blocked access to Guildford hospital, and upon being politely asked if he wouldn't mind moving his van forward he gave a volley of insults and abuse to myself and a number of other people. He ranted for a while and was clearly irate about something. Needless to say I left him to deal with his anger issues.
She’s just hit the back of my car and drove off back down chapel street towards Tesco.
She was travelling towards Butts bridge down chapel street when she’s clearly become annoyed with another driver. She’s signalled right to go towards matherlane bridge only to stop suddenly and reversed right into the back of my car and looked me straight in the face and then drove off.
It was two females in the car with black hair. Went towards the middle of Leigh at 6:40pm.
It’s been reported to the police and I’ve got all the footage. She can either do it the easy way or it’ll come through insurance.
Drives like a bimbo, had to report her to the police twice for dangerous driving