Typical Audi Driver, even if it is a poxy little poorly specced A3. Regularly cuts people up in Cardiff bay. Even going so far as to speed over 45 in a 30 in a left lane to cut queuing people up in the right lane. Squeezing between other motorists and the raised curb. Silly cunt needs his license taken away.
Drove behind this young man today on the way to work.
Not only did he over take a gentleman on a country lane doing 50mph but did so on a blind turn where another car had to slame on its breaks to avoid him.
He then proceeded to rev his engine behind every person who was infront of him.
Intimidating and dangerous driver. Should have his license taken away before he kills someone.
Appalling driving on the A21 London bound. Speeding, tail gating and undertaking and generally dangerous driving.