Classic denial. If he doesn't want to share the road with other road users (cyclists included), then that's his problem..pity the police weren't around; I bet he'd suddenly not want to be around..
Sounds like a phone call to the police was needed? Damn shame you couldn't get it on camera..that type of person really doesn't like a lens pointing at them, it seems (not that there's fuck all they can do about it in a public place). I hate people who try to bully innocent commuters off the road, they need filming so our streets can be safer. Oh, and this threatening people who tell you to put your phone down? Well PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE DOWN THEN. Your threats are like your driving: full of shit! Driving whilst using a phone is..duh.. not only illegal but also dangerous to the point where it gets people killed, cyclists included. Shit for brains.
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