This brainless cunt in his leased Audi will inevitably cause an accident, excessively speeding in a built up area and then jumping a red light. Of course no MOT because this scally doesn't need one.
A driver who apparently does not think about blocking an entire driveway for not one, but TWO households. Unbelievable. But having a nice line of a gypsy/traveller cars is more important than basic common courtesy and common sense when parking. There are no words to accurately reflect this level of insensitivity, stupidity and selfishness.
This shameful, inconsiderate, selfish excuse parked on the corner
Of Sefton Grove and Lark Lane junction, 28/7/21 at 19:22... foolish drivers obstructed access to this road for some time. Disabled ramps blocked. Vans totally unable to pass... Whole Street missed parcels to save this person a waddle to the restaurant. Extremely thoughtless, disruptive & dangerous. Shameful levels of in only caring about themselves. Reported to local police parking unit
What on earth was the need to overtake the learner driver doing 20mph on a 20 road with bumps? Absolutely big round of applause for saving 2 seconds of your life right there 👏👏👏 what an absolute idiot of a human being
Typical idiot in leased Ford.